This is what Pieter Jansegers, a Flemish teacher of French has to say about the decline of the French language in Flanders and elsewhere:
It's a pitty that in Flanders, the Dutch speaking part of Belgium, the knowledge of French is disappearing to the point that University students aren't able to consult French language sources concerning their specific discipline.Let alone that these student would be able to follow or to give a scientific discourse in French as a contribution to a conference... unless they're specific study field is French, ofcourse or they've followed a Master-after-Master for which French was on the language curriculum.French is even loosing out on Africa, the first public statement broadcasted of Kabbila was a statement in English. I was really amased about this interview and the very strong eloquence of his English.
Thanks for quoting me.
Pieter Jansegers
You're most welcome.
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